In Wood County, our Commission decided not to do PEIA years ago. We are BCBS. Great decision, even when employees and retirees were wanting to switch. Looks like a great decision! But, the Mid Ohio Health Department, didnt. Now they are in Trouble, as it looks like we are still operating in 2008! Same funds from the state. Stuck in PEIA. Stuck just f-ing stuck.
"The Justice’s bought" . . . Really, guys??
I know you are better than that.
Took me a while to figure out what you were referring to, but once I saw it I cringed. Errrrr ... it's fixed.
In Wood County, our Commission decided not to do PEIA years ago. We are BCBS. Great decision, even when employees and retirees were wanting to switch. Looks like a great decision! But, the Mid Ohio Health Department, didnt. Now they are in Trouble, as it looks like we are still operating in 2008! Same funds from the state. Stuck in PEIA. Stuck just f-ing stuck.