Definitely 'heaven on a bun'. We met the farmer who supplies their pork (you *have* to try the smoked pork chops). He raises them cradle to grave. Now THAT is a farmer, and it's evident in the quality of the product (not to mention the artistry that's added on afterwards).

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Thanks for the recommendation, Alyson. Gonna have to picked a chop or two the next time I'm in Capon Bridge.

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For an example of themed days at the Capitol could you mention March 2 is Arts Day at the Legislature. Each special day individuals and organizations set up displays and lobby their representatives. The Arts entrepreneurs are important economic community members. Thanks for lifting up the Potomac Highlands towns and businesses. We are the first examples of WV when visitors enter from the East.

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Good point about the "first examples." Would be happy to mention Arts Day. You might send us a reminder, though. I can't speak for Dave, but my memory is trash.

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Funny thing! We were eating our burgers when you were there! Yes, they are the best burgers and the best people! Thanks to your wife for giving us a bit of her time and to you and Dave for the newsletter. I’ll smash the coffee button soon!

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You were at Farmer's Daughter yesterday? At the same time we were? Seems crazy! But ... things like this remind me what a small world West Virginia is. One reason why I like it here. Wish we had taken the time to meet each other!

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Well, I enjoy your reading and hearing you voice, but didn’t know your face. Next time!

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Yep. Next time, my friend.

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