Day Ten: Today is the day for the vaccine bill, unless it isn't
The West Virginia Weakly Legislative Daybook for February 21, 2025
Today is Friday, February 21, 2025, the tenth day of the West Virginia Legislature’s regular session.
Thanks for being here.
Today is Girl Scout Day at the Capitol. It’s also Wayne County Day and Unclaimed Property Day. Sports Conservation Groups will also be on hand.
If you were worried that S.B. 460’s spot on the Senate Calendar was getting to be a somewhat lonely perch, worry no more. Since the measure was laid over for a couple of days, it’s found some company at the top of the floor agenda.
Four bills are on Third Reading in the Senate today. They’re facing a passage vote and S.B. 460 is the most attention-grabbing measure on the docket. It would put Gov. Morrisey’s executive order to weaken school vaccination requirements into law by allowing for a religious or moral exemption. It also revises the process for requesting a medical exemption.
The Weakly expects the bill to pass out of the Senate today, unless it somehow gets laid over … again.
It’s Friday, so the Senate Floor session is getting underway early, at 10 a.m. The House will gavel in at the usual 11 a.m. start time.
Senate Floor Calendar House Floor Calendar
Other Highlights (all times and agendas subject to change)
9:00 a.m. — House Finance — or more specifically the panel’s Subcommittee on Appropriations — will hear from West Virginia National Guard Adjutant General Jim Seward. His appearance will likely make for a good time to get an update on the Guard’s efforts to help southern West Virginia recover from the devastating floods that hit earlier this week.
9:00 a.m. — House Judiciary is wading into election rules today.
The full committee is to hold a hearing on H.B. 2400, the bill we’ve told you about over the past few days that would prohibit the delivery of unsolicited absentee ballot applications to any person who has not specifically requested one from the county clerk.
10:00 a.m. — House Judiciary’s Legal Services Subcommittee will vote on whether to advance H.B. 2131. The measure adds language to state law to recognize the legal standing of the West Virginia Legislature in court actions related to unauthorized changes to election laws and rules; and identify the Legislature as a necessary party. The panel will also hold a hearing on H.B. 2117, which would require mail in ballots be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day instead of the day after the election. The subcommittee is also to hear from Secretary of State General Counsel David Cook.
9:30 a.m. — S.B. 144 is among three bills on the Senate Military’s Committee’s agenda. It would expand a tax credit private employers can take when they employ military veterans. Also, S.B. 149 would expand certain military veterans and their dependents who are exempted from paying tuition and fees at public colleges and universities.
Full Senate Committee Schedule Full House Committee Schedule
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Weakly Links: News and opinion from around West Virginia
Legislature prepares to roll back progress on childhood immunizations ~ Hoppy Kercheval, WVMetroNews
Local Senators Weld, Chapman disagree on school vaccine exemptions ~ Steven Allen Adams, The Intelligencer
Financial pressure to close local schools is likely to continue, superintendent tells lawmakers ~ Brad McElhinny, WVMetroNews
Child care issues on back burner despite need in WV; budget questions could derail potential fixes ~ Amelia Ferrell Knisely, West Virginia Watch
Morrisey budget includes no flood protection funds ~ Sarah Elbeshbishi, Mountain State Spotlight
When you feel like you’re slipping (Opinion) ~ Ben Fields, Charleston Gazette opinion editor
Flood brings reminder that government and West Virginians must be on the same page ~ Andrew Donaldson, West Virginia Watch. Donaldson is also writes the Heard Tell Substack newsletter.