Day 22: Instruction on sexual orientation, gender, and hormone therapy legislation is on the floor today
The West Virginia Weakly Legislative Daybook for March 5, 2025
Today is Wednesday, March 5, 2025 — the 22nd day of the West Virginia Legislature’s regular session.
Get set for the Blue and Gold. Today is West Virginia University Day at the state Capitol. Outgoing WVU President Gordon Gee is to host a breakfast for lawmakers at the Culture Center.
Highlights (all times and agendas subject to change)
9:00 a.m. — The House Finance Committee has budget hearings this morning from:
The West Virginia Auditor’s office
The West Virginia Treasurer’s office
9:00 a.m. — After a number of West Virginia municipalities have put camping bans in place over the past few years, The House Judiciary Committee will take a look at HB2382 (Camping ban on certain public property).
11:00 a.m. — On the Senate floor this morning, lawmakers in the upper chamber will put the Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 154 (Prohibiting sexual orientation instruction in public schools) up for a vote. On the amendment stage will be Com. Sub. for SB 299 (Modifying WV regulations on pubertal modulation, hormonal therapy, and gender reassignment).
11:00 a.m. — The House of Delegates will also have a gender identity bill on its floor schedule today. Com. Sub. for S. B. 456 (Defining "men" and "women") will be on second reading and the amendment stage. A number of other bills on second reading are worth keeping an eye on:
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2117 - Relating to when Mail In Ballots are Due
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2129 - Creating the Parents Bill of Rights.
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2441 - To make those who fail drug test ineligible for unemployment
H. B. 2683 - To prohibit rank choice voting
1:00 p.m. — During today’s meeting of the Senate Select Committee on Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health, the panel will take a look at SB 204: Making opioid treatment programs unlawful. The select committee will also tackle a study resolution, calling for a joint committee to look into substance abuse disorder in the state.
3:00 p.m. — The Senate Finance Committee will hear budget presentations from:
Higher Education Policy Commission and Community and Technical College System
Department of Health Facilities
West Virginia National Guard
Senate Floor Calendar Senate Committee Schedule
House Floor Calendar House Committee Schedule
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Weakly Links: News and opinion from around West Virginia
‘We’re not errand boys’ – Woelfel says Morrisey interfering in bill making, blocking Democrats ~ Amelia Ferrell Knisely, West Virginia Watch
Democrat lawmakers want WV voters to decide on abortion, fertility rights ~ Amelia Ferrell Knisely, West Virginia Watch
‘School discipline bill starts moving in state Senate, a year after legislative collapse ~ Brad McElhinny, WVMetroNews
West Virginia Senate committee gets first look at Morrisey’s occupational licensing reciprocity bill ~ Steven Allen Adams, The Parkersburg News & Sentinel
Certificate of Need important to West Virginia (Editorial) ~ The Intelligencer